Love From A Stranger Four British Film Scores
Benjamin Britten: Love From A Stranger (1936) 10:21
Roberto Gerhard: This Sporting Life (1963) 15:21
Elisabeth Lutyens: The Skull (1965) 17:04
Richard Rodney Bennett: The Return Of The Soldier (1982) 20:36
BBC Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Jac Van Steen
Available on NMC Records NMC D073
Total Running Time: 63:22
1. Title Music [From Love from a Stranger]
2. Traffic Music [From Love from a Stranger]
3. Brighton [From Love from a Stranger]
4. Love Music [From Love from a Stranger]
5. Channel Crossing [From Love from a Stranger]
6. End Titles [From Love from a Stranger]
7. I [From This Sporting Life]
8. II [From This Sporting Life]
9. III [From This Sporting Life]
10. IV [From This Sporting Life]
11. V [From This Sporting Life]
12. VI [From This Sporting Life]
13. VII [From This Sporting Life]
14. VIII [From This Sporting Life]
15. I Title Music [From the Skull]
16. II [From the Skull]
17. III [From the Skull]
18. IV [From the Skull]
19. V [From the Skull]
20. VI [From the Skull]
21. VII End Titles [From the Skull]
22. Main Title - The Dream [From the Return of the Soldier]
23. Hospital [From the Return of the Soldier]
24. House [From the Return of the Soldier]
25. Chris and Margaret [From the Return of the Soldier]
26. Chris at the Window [From the Return of the Soldier]
27. Hallucinations [From the Return of the Soldier]
28. Lake - The Letters [From the Return of the Soldier]
29. Chris Returns [From the Return of the Soldier]
Love from a Stranger
Composed by Benjamin Britten
Performed by BBC Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Jac Van Steen
Nachdem der Film "Love from a stranger" seit längerm auf DVD vorliegt, möchte ich kurz auf diese CD hinweisen.
Die Titelmusik wird wie folgt beschrieben:
Die Musik für "Love With A Stranger" ist geschmeidig und lebendig,
freundlichen und ansprechend und einfach in seinem Reiz.
Der Film "Love from a Stranger" erschien 1937 unter dem Namen "A Night of Terror".
In den Hauptrollen: Ann Harding und Basil Rathbone.
In einer Nebenrolle: Joan Hickson als "Emmy"