Recently I launched the 'Queen of Crime Library', the world's largest physical Agatha Christie library.
Maybe you can be of some help? ... e-library/
More info... ... e-library/
I will mention your name on my several websites (incl. the special website about the library which will be launched in April 2012).
Award winning author John Curran ('Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks: Fifty Years of Mysteries in the Making' and 'Agatha Christie's Murder in the Making: Stories and Secrets from Her Archive') about the 'Queen of Crime Library':

'I applaud Ralf's initiative in collecting every edition of every Agatha Christie book and only sorry that I did not think of it first. I can see from the photograph [] that one Hercule Poirot would also approve of the neat and orderly arrangement - 'Order and method, mon ami'! In years to come the library will provide a valuable resource for future historians of detective fiction and for bibliographers of The Queen of Crime. And to encourage others I have already donated copies of my two contributions to the ever-growing library of Christie-related literature.'
Please feel free to forward this message to other Agatha Christie fans!
Thanks a lot!
Best wishes,
Ralf M.M. Stultiens